SC132 Visa

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What is SC 132 Visa?

This visa allows you to establish a new or develop an existing business in Australia. It is a permanent visa and there are two streams as listed below:

Significant Business History Stream

This stream is for experienced business owners who wish to operate a new or existing business in Australia. Some of the criteria include:

  • Have a successful business career and a genuine desire to own and maintain a management role in a business in Australia
  • Own a substantial part of the business
  • Have total net business and personal assets of at least A$1.5 million
  • Have a total annual turnover of at least A$3 million
  • Have total net assets worth A$400,000 or more from the ownership interest in one or more qualifying businesses.
  • Have lodged an expression of interest (EOI) and have been nominated by an Australian State or Territory government
  • Be younger than 55 years of age unless you can demonstrate that your proposed business will be exceptional economic benefit to the region where it will operate.

Venture Capital Entrepreneur Stream

This stream is for people who have sourced venture capital funding from a member of the Australian Venture Capital Associated Limited (AVCAL). The visa lets you operate a new or existing business in Australia. Some of the criteria include:

  • Must have a genuine and realistic commitment to engage in your business and to maintain an ownership interest in your business or investment
  • Must have at received at least A$1 million funding for a value business idea and have a formal agreement with an Australian venture capital firm for the funding
  • The venture capital firm must be a member of AVCAL and the funding must be for:
    • business development
    • product commercialisation
    • start-up costs.

Visa Types


Student Visa

Pursue your academic ambitions in Australia with ease

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Skilled Visa

Build your career and contribute to Australia's workforce

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Employer Visa

Join Australian companies and organizations with specialized skills

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Partner Visa

Reunite with your loved ones and build a life together in Australia

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Parent & Child Visa

Create lasting memories and bonds with your family in Australia

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Business Visa

Invest, innovate, and thrive in Australia's dynamic business landscape

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Tourist Visa

Explore the wonders of Australia and create travel experiences

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Working Holiday Visa

Embark on an adventure while working and exploring beautiful Australia

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Bridging Visa

Maintain legal status during visa transitions ensuring continuity and peace of mind

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Citizenship Application

Achieve dream of Australian citizen with expert guidance

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